Macbooks built after 2017 have integrated SSD chips, resulting in complications in data recovery from liquid-damaged MacBooks.

Why is Macbook Data Recovery needed if it doesn’t turn on?
Unlike Magbooks without USBC ports, these Macbooks do not have removable storage. Hence we cannot just remove the storage and attach it to another Macbook in an attempt to retrieve the data.

There are mainly two ways to recover the data from not turning on Macbooks from this generation.
1. Recovering Data from not turning on Macbook – Removing Storage Chips
As guessed, this process requires desoldering SSD chips and shipping them to a specialised chip Data Recovery company. It is a very complex, hence costly process. Usually topping the $3000 mark.
Due to the time, cost and specialised third parties involved, we leave it as a final option once we drain all options.
2. Recovering Data from not turning on Macbook – Bringing Macbook back to life
Repairing the Macbook or at least bringing it to a vegetable state so that we can pull the data is the option we prefer. This ensures that we control the whole process and hence can control the quote and cost. As well as provide a much faster turnaround with less waste.
However, like the first method, it is complicated and requires specialised skills in understanding electronics, which were not meant to be taken apart, yet alone repaired or repurposed.
How to handle Liquid Spilled Macbook

The liquid is the worst enemy of any electronics. But let’s be realistic, accidents happen, and we do not live in a bubble. So it’s normal to spill something on the Macbook, we need to know how to handle the situation with as less damage as possible.
Unfortunately, due to misinformation regarding treating liquid-damaged Macbooks.
We see more and more customers who let their liquid-damaged Macbooks dry. This is a big NO!
We would highly advise reading what to do when spilled liquid on a Macbook
Data Recovery from Liquid Damage Macbook by Repairing it

As seen in the photo, liquid, while drying, turns into residue (the blue/green gunk). This residue is highly corrosive and conductive. Usually, within minutes of spillage while on or charging, it starts corroding traces and components. Hence quick action in Macbook Liquid Damage Repair is a must. If not treated on time, components inside short and Macbook either stop charging or completely seize functionality.

We need to immediately clean and rebuild/repair damaged traces and replace corroded/faulty components. Due to the integrated battery design – every minute we waste not repairing the Macbook is a reduced chance of a successful repair.

Once we repair the Macbook Logic Board, we can bring the device to a vegetable state with the aim of recovering the customer’s data.

The customer already purchased a new Macbook, but data is something stored on the logic board. And until Liquid Damaged Macbook is Repaired, there is no cost-economical way to extract the data from a dead Macbook.
Successfully Recovering Data from Not Turning on Liquid Damaged Macbook A1534

After successfully bringing the Macbook back to life, we usually need to run extensive tests to ensure it is a reliable Macbook. After all, Repair is worth the cost only if we can be comfortable that the repair can hold at least 3-5 years, especially with the newest, more fragile laptop and Macbook builds.

However, this was not the case with this Macbook. Our Adelaide customer has already moved to a new one; they only wanted the Data to be Recovered. Hence we can run data extraction straight from the customers’ Operating System and ensure there is no stone unturned and all data is extracted safely and securely.
Why can we not rely on USBc type Macbooks?

New generation Macbooks are Slim, Sleek, Thin, Fast, Quiet, and Cool. What they are not is Reliable and Repairable! Apple takes every possible measure to overcomplicate the Macbooks, unnecessarily creating multiple failing points. As we mentioned at the beginning of this long post, we do not live in a vacuum, idyllic, accident-free bubble as Apple might.
These USBC Macbooks are designed to fail within 2-3 years of ownership, with or without “user-inflicted damage or error”, as Apple calls it.
Hence the best advice we can give any Macbook user is:
If you are after a reliable, lasting and easily repairable Macbook. Dig up your old magnetic charger Macbook from the cupboard, dust it off, and make it better than new. We can vouch that it will last longer than your brand-new one.