2013 Slow Mac Mini Repair – SSD Upgrade

2013 Mac Mini Repair - Slow System upgrade to SSD

Slow 2013 Mac Mini Repair with a failing Hard Drive, causing the system to be unbearably laggy and unresponsive. Luckily the hard drive had not wholly failed yet and gave us enough time to pull all software and data from it before its collapse.

iMac 2012 is not loading due to a failed SSD drive

2012 iMac working extremely slow due to a failing drive. Surprisingly the drive has been already replaced with a SSD. However, the replaced SSD has failed shortly. Investigation showed that the recently replaced SSD origin was completely different the ones we fitted over the years

2017 27″ Slow iMac SSD Upgrade

2017 27" Slow iMac SSD Upgrade

Common failure targeted with this 27″ 2017 slow iMac caused by an HDD failure and needing an SSD upgrade to bring fresh live in not that old system.